Definition of Pizza shop

1. Noun. A shop where pizzas are made and sold.

Exact synonyms: Pizza Parlor, Pizzeria
Generic synonyms: Shop, Store

Definition of Pizza shop

1. Noun. A restaurant specializing in pizza. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Pizza Shop

pizza bone
pizza box
pizza boxes
pizza cutter
pizza man
pizza parlor
pizza pie
pizza pies
pizza puff
pizza sauce
pizza shop
pizza shops
pizza store
pizza stores
pizza table
pizza tables
pizza wheel

Literary usage of Pizza shop

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Better Than Crying: Poking Fun at Politics, the Press and Pop Culture by Baratunde Rafig Thurston (2004)
"And if that pizza shop is owned by those I-talians, well, fuggetaboutit. 7. Don't be racist This one can be a struggle for many, and it's understandable. ..."

2. The Virginia Handbook by Blair Howard (2001)
"Mario's Italian pizza shop and Restaurant, 269 Madison Road, Orange, B 540-672-. Morgan's, 182 Byrd Street, Orange, -a 540-672-0800. Not the Same Old Grind, ..."

3. Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Cookbook by Susan Pollack (2005)
"Margaret used to help out making pizza at Sebastian's in Gloucester and for seven years she put in long hours at a pizza shop that her son ran in nearby ..."

4. Rediscovering America: Exploring the Small Towns of Virginia & Maryland by William J. Burnham, Mary K. Burnham (2002)
"Water Street Landing could be called an upscale pizza shop, with a tantalizing list of gourmet toppings. But they also serve quiches, soups and sandwiches ..."

5. Adventure Guide to Barbados by Lynne M. Sullivan (2001)
"... the 32-acre tropical-garden resort that backs up to a mile-long beach near Speightstown to find four restaurants, an ice cream parlor, a pizza shop, ..."

6. Adventure Guide to Yucatan, Cancun and Cozumel by Bruce Concord, June Concord (2003)
"... pizza shop that opens at 8 am for breakfast and early lunches until noon. When the sun goes down, Luisa and Rob reopen for tasty dinners. ..."

7. Outside the Boxby Dan Allosso by Dan Allosso (2007)
"Reid took Dave to meet Louise and Larry at the pizza shop. He warned Dave this wasn'ta 'JCN' meeting, because Stevie would be there. ..."

8. Better Than Crying: Poking Fun at Politics, the Press and Pop Culture by Baratunde Rafig Thurston (2004)
"And if that pizza shop is owned by those I-talians, well, fuggetaboutit. 7. Don't be racist This one can be a struggle for many, and it's understandable. ..."

9. The Virginia Handbook by Blair Howard (2001)
"Mario's Italian pizza shop and Restaurant, 269 Madison Road, Orange, B 540-672-. Morgan's, 182 Byrd Street, Orange, -a 540-672-0800. Not the Same Old Grind, ..."

10. Gloucester Fishermen's Wives Cookbook by Susan Pollack (2005)
"Margaret used to help out making pizza at Sebastian's in Gloucester and for seven years she put in long hours at a pizza shop that her son ran in nearby ..."

11. Rediscovering America: Exploring the Small Towns of Virginia & Maryland by William J. Burnham, Mary K. Burnham (2002)
"Water Street Landing could be called an upscale pizza shop, with a tantalizing list of gourmet toppings. But they also serve quiches, soups and sandwiches ..."

12. Adventure Guide to Barbados by Lynne M. Sullivan (2001)
"... the 32-acre tropical-garden resort that backs up to a mile-long beach near Speightstown to find four restaurants, an ice cream parlor, a pizza shop, ..."

13. Adventure Guide to Yucatan, Cancun and Cozumel by Bruce Concord, June Concord (2003)
"... pizza shop that opens at 8 am for breakfast and early lunches until noon. When the sun goes down, Luisa and Rob reopen for tasty dinners. ..."

14. Outside the Boxby Dan Allosso by Dan Allosso (2007)
"Reid took Dave to meet Louise and Larry at the pizza shop. He warned Dave this wasn'ta 'JCN' meeting, because Stevie would be there. ..."

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